Showzone in the news
Here you will find the latest press releases on Showzone. Are you a journalist, media professional, or a bit of a fan and interested in writing an article or having an interview? Contact us!

Showzone has entered Venture Kick, winning an initial grant of CHF 10,000
Showzone, the go-to platform for innovative presentation delivery, has secured a prestigious entry into Venture Kick, earning a grant of CHF 10,000!

Eren Akbiyik, co-founder of Showzone, is featured in ETH News
Eren Akbiyik, co-founder of Showzone, is featured in ETH News, the news portal of ETH Zurich.

Showzone joins Cyber Valley Start-up Network
Showzone has joined the Cyber Valley Start-up Network, a community of start-ups in the field of artificial intelligence.

Showzone selected for Kickstart Innovation
Showzone is selected for Kickstart Innovation, a company of Impact Hub Zürich and the premier accelerator of Switzerland with start-ups from over 80 countries.

Simon speaks in Startup Insider podcast
Simon, co-founder of Showzone, speaks in the Startup Insider podcast about his journey as a startup founder.

Showzone at Switzerland Innovation Park Zurich community event
Showzone was invited to a panel talk at the Switzerland Innovation Park Zurich community event.

Showzone featured in
Showzone is featured in the website.

Interview with Nicolas Zanotti in Impact Magazine
Nicolas speaks about Showzone in an interview with Impact Magazine.

Showzone featured in Innovation Zurich
Showzone is featured in the Innovation Zurich website, an initiative of the Canton of Zurich.

Interview with Nicolas Zanotti on Tele D
Nicolas, co-founder of Showzone is talking at Tele D about his journey as startup founder.

Showzone featured in TPW-News
Showzone is featured in the TPW-News, the magazine of the Technopark Winterthur.

Startup Stories: Meet the Founders
Simon has shared his experiences as a startup founder in this Startup Stories event of STARTUP CAMPUS Switzerland.