Deliver your presentation
with success

Engage and inspire your audience with Showzone, the AI-powered presentation delivery app.

Try for free
Illustration of audience interacting with a presenter coming out of a phone.
QR code on a phone

Live broadcast

Share a QR code without leaving the presentation. Prompt your audience for Q&A and feedback.


AI-generated summary

Easily share impactful summaries so that your audience retains your content beyond the presentation.

Paper in the hands of a robot
Lady sitting under a conversion funnel

Presentation Insights

Gather feedback, measure engagement, and identify promising leads.

Showzone goes with your flow

Create your presentation in any tool, such as PowerPoint, and use Showzone to deliver it.

Graphic of a PDF file being dragged into an application window.

Simply save to PDF, drag into the app, and hit start.

Graphic of a notebook computer connected to a TV screen

Present anywhere, from a web browser or desktop app.

Graphic of a smartphone and a TV displaying the same content

Let your audience join the show with their device.

Showzone works everywhere you do


For Conferences

Conversion tool for live presentations

Gain insightful audience data to follow up with, and transform them into leads.


For Workshops

Engaging workshops from start to finish

Give your audience a voice, and conclude with an AI generated summary.


For Businesses

Transforming on-site trainings & events

Ensure that in-house information is digitized, and passed to your employees.


Make an impact with your presentations.

Try for free